Avoid the Flu This Winter

Nov 06, 2016

With winter comes flu season, along with all the associated symptoms. But you don’t have to succumb to the flu virus. This year, be vigilant about taking precautionary measures to protect yourself from the flu.

Boost Your Immune System

When you build up your immune system, you’ll be less likely to fall sick from the flu. And if you do get it, a strong immune system will help you to bounce back quicker.

One way to boost your immune system is to take vitamin supplements. Vitamin deficiency has been proven to increase your chances of falling ill from any number of sicknesses, including the flu.

Another way to boost your immune system is to increase your vegetable intake. Vegetables contain vital micronutrients that protect and fight against foreign bodies such as the flu virus. If you don’t care to add more vegetable to your diet, consider juicing. When you juice vegetables, you ingest far more vegetables than you could ever imagine eating in one day, and you reap all the vitamin and nutrient benefits.

Block Your Exposure

Your heating system can become a trap for contaminants that can suppress your body’s ability to combat illnesses such as the flu. To ensure that your heating system isn’t contributing to coughs, colds, sniffles or the flu virus, contact a specialist for heating repair in Cleveland. Your heating system inspection may include a duct cleaning, general furnace maintenance, filter replacement and more.

Another way to block your exposure to the flu virus is to help implement a better sick policy at your place of employment. If co workers feel they need to come in while experiencing flue symptoms, the whole office is at risk. Speak to your manager about starting a work at home day for sick employees.

Wash Your Purchased Goods

Often, cashiers at supermarkets and retail stores will handle your purchased goods while sick. Then you bring the bags home and handle everything right after they have, which can cause you to catch their virus.

If you see a cashier who is sniffling, choose another checkout lane. If you end up with a cashier who appears under the weather, take the time to wash off your bottles, jars, cans, and produce when you get home. Finally, wash your own hands with lots of soap.

Instead of winding up in bed with the flu this winter, take these simple precautions to stay healthy and energetic all winter long.

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