3 Common Issues with Air Conditioners That Consumers Can Fix

Jan 30, 2017

1. The Air Conditioner Won’t Turn On

In cases where the air conditioning system is not turning on, it’s advised that consumers verify the outside unit in order to determine if the condenser is running properly. Ensure that the unit is properly plugged in and that the thermostat is set accordingly. Then, the consumer should lower the thermostat a small amount to see if the problem is fixed. Consumers can save the funds that would go into contracting an air conditioning serviceperson by reading their product’s manual and seeing if everything checks out. If an initial check-up doesn’t solve the problem, it’s advised that consumers verify if there is a tripped circuit breaker or blown fuse running in the system. In extreme cases where the coil is frozen, contracting an AC repairperson in Cleveland might be the necessary solution.

2. The Air Conditioner is not Effectively Cooling the Air

After the initial problem of an air conditioner not turning on is solved, consumers may find themselves in a situation where the system is not properly cooling the area. In these cases, it’s possible that the system is experiencing a blocked or dirty air condenser. If that’s the case, the first step consumers should follow is to inspect the outside unit and clear out any debris or weeds that might be blocking the system’s air circulation. Then, it’s advised that consumers check the air conditioning system’s filters to ensure that it is adequately clean. In cases where the filter is excessively dirty and the air is not being properly circulated, it’s possible that the coil can freeze. If the household contains pets and the air conditioning system is used often, the filter may need to be replaced at a relatively high frequency. The best way to verify if a filter is adequately clean is to hold it up to a light and check if the filter can be seen through.

3. The Air Conditioner is not Cooling the Home Properly

When all other aspects of the air conditioner check out, however the unit is still not cooling the home properly, this may be due to the fact that the system is not optimally sized for the home. It’s important for consumers to keep in mind that an air conditioning system should be equipped to keep an entire home cool on an average summer day. Ideally, air conditioning systems should be capable of maintaining up to a 25 degree temperature difference between indoor and outdoor temperature. If a system is running well but is not performing to a home’s standard, this might demand simply changing the air conditioning system and opting for one better suited to the home in question.

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